Prosciutto (about 10 oz)-sliced from the deli (also comes pre-packaged)- shred to small pieces
whipping cream (about 1/2 cup)
2 cans of diced tomatoes (Italian style)
Italian parsley (chopped)
olive oil (about 3 TBS)
white cooking wine (about 1/3 cup) (red cooking wine works too)
onion (half of an onion- chopped)
garlic (about 4 cloves, chopped)
garlic salt (about 3 good shakes)
pepper ( about 1/4 tsp)
oregano (1 tsp)
Parmesan (depends on desire, I would say 1 cup)
noodles- (I like wheat penne)
Take the olive oil and the shredded prosciutto and cook it in a sauce pan for about 5-7 minutes. Scoop out the prosciutto and set in on a paper towel on a plate and let the oil drain. With the remaining oil, add garlic and onion to saute about 5 minutes. Add the 2 cans of diced tomatoes, white cooking wine, pepper, garlic salt, oregano and bring to a slight boil. Set to simmer for about 10 minutes. Add whipping cream and Parmesan and stir until Parmesan melts. Add the chopped Italian Parsley and stir a minute. Let sit on simmer for another 5 minutes. Mix in prosciutto and toss into the cooked pasta. Sprinkle Parmesan on top and serve.